Thursday, January 28, 2010

Former Atlanta Falcon Named Head Coach of Skaneateles HS

by Jeff Fisher
New York High School Football Huddle

It was a close vote, but by a 4-3 margin, former Atlanta Falcon and Syracuse University defensive end Tim Green is the new head coach of the Skaneateles Lakers football program.

According to the Auburn Citizen, the school board chose Green over Ron Doctor. Last year, the Lakers finished 1-7.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Plans for New York State High School Football Classic Announced

by Jeff Fisher
New York High School Football Huddle

The best New York high school football players from upstate will take-on the best from downstate in the first New York State High School Football Classic June 6th in the Syracuse Carrier Dome.

The all-star game will feature between 80 and 100 players with the Upstate roster being made-up of players from: Buffalo - Section 6, Rochester - Section 5, Syracuse - Section 3, Binghamton - Section 4, Albany - Section 2 and North Country - Sections 7 and 10. The Downstate roster will have players from: Long Island - Sections 8 and 11,NYC-PFAL and Catholic Leagues, Rockland and West Chester - Section 1 and Orange and Ulster - Section 9.

The New York State High School Football Classic was created by the New York State High School Coaches Association following the dissolution of the New York/New Jersey All-Star Football Classic, formerly the Governors Bowl.

Player selection will begin next month.
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